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Out on a Limb

A wooden building in the trees is connected to an oversized birds nest by a metal bridge.

Out on a Limb: A Tree Adventure Exhibit 

Generously supported by the Jane and Leonard Korman Family Foundation

Starting Monday, February 24, Out on a Limb will be closed until further notice. 

Get a bird’s eye view of the forest from 50 feet up, perched on the Tree Canopy Walk high above ground level. Or scamper down onto the Squirrel Scramble, a huge hammock-like net where you can look down to the ground far below through the rope netting. Enter the Bird’s Nest and sit on giant robin’s eggs, just waiting to hatch. It’s all part of Morris Arboretum & Garden’s Tree Adventure exhibit, connecting us to the natural world, and themed to teach us that we need trees and trees need us.

Designed by Metcalfe Architecture & Design, the exhibit is a fully accessible, fascinating learning experience for both children and adults. Learn more about the green elements of the design here.