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Starting Monday, February 24, Out on a Limb, our treetop walk exhibition, will be closed for renovations until further notice. 

Planned Giving

A scene from a flourishing flower garden with a bright orange rose centered.
Planned gifts enable donors to make significant gifts to the Morris Arboretum & Gardens in ways that complement their financial planning. Such gifts provide for endowments, new or renovated landscapes and gardens, and new programs critical to the Morris’s mission. Planned gifts may help donors reduce or eliminate capital gains or estate taxes, obtain significant income tax deductions and/or provide annual income.

Bequests or gifts made by will are one of the Morris’s most important sources of individual support. Bequests
can be made in the form of a specific gift of cash, securities or other property, or a percentage of the remainder of
an estate. Retirement assets or life insurance may be included in a bequest.

Life Income Gifts

These planned gifts may generate immediate tax deductions and may also provide lifelong income to the donor
while naming the Morris Arboretum & Gardens as the beneficiary of the gift. From the simplest form of gift annuity to more
complex forms of charitable trusts, planned gifts can help provide for individual needs and for the future of the
Morris Arboretum & Gardens.

The Lydia Morris Legacy Society

Once you have informed the Morris Arboretum & Gardens in writing of your intention to name the Morris as a
beneficiary of a planned gift, you are invited to become a member of the Lydia Morris Legacy Society. You will be
invited to special Morris events held for donors; your planned gift will be acknowledged in the Impact Report.

For more information please contact:

Mira Zergani, Director of Development at