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Starting Monday, February 24, Out on a Limb, our treetop walk exhibition, will be closed for renovations until further notice. 


a man talking to a woman in front of a camera

Why Trees Are Losing Leaves & What We Can Do To Help

Maybe you've noticed that some trees in your neighborhood are losing leaves at an alarming rate, as if it's the second week of October instead of August. That's because they are going dormant to conserve energy during the heatwave and drought we're experiencing in Philadelphia. Morris Arboretum's Executive Director Bill Cullina and Director of Horticulture Vince Marrocco spoke with The Philadelphia InquirerFox 29, and KWY to explain what's causing this leaf drop so early in the season, and what we can do to help keep our trees hydrated. 

Another heat wave gets underway in Philly, and trees are losing their leaves too soon - The Philadelphia Inquirer